

你想学习如何推销你的生意吗, increase revenue, 提高你的管理技能? 在这个为女性设计的为期八周的课程中学习, LGBTQA, disabled, minority, and veteran-owned businesses!

Each participant will:

  • 培养对成长至关重要的技能

  • 被介绍给能够创造新机会的额外资源

  • 与Cox和Strome业务主题专家进行互动

  • Receive a certificate


第一次和最后一次会议采用混合形式,但强烈建议亲自出席. All sessions meet from 5.30 pm-9.30 pm.

Program Plan

June 4
Instructor: Prof. Jennifer Vaziralli


Keys to Grow Effectively focuses on the employment of the 5 fundamental keys for business development:

  1. RAISING RATES, 讨论如何通过增加销量来发展业务, optimizing prices, 扩大地理和附属市场
  2. 通过与供应商谈判降低成本, reducing inputs, managing staff, increasing overall efficiency
  3. 通过游击式营销推广业务,重点是建立市场份额, customer service, automated customer contacts, social media, etc.
  4. EXECUTION, 强调“完成任务”的重要性," leading staff, 让员工负起责任,使用工具来简化和改进执行.
  5. INNOVATION, discussing the necessity for the business i) to keep abreast of industry developments; ii) to identify and implement enhanced processes, new techniques/products, best practices, iii)转变业务以利用创新.

June 11
Instructor: Prof. Jennifer Vaziralli

Keys to Grow Effectively focuses on employment of the 5 fundamental keys for business development:

  1. RAISING RATES, 讨论如何通过增加销量来发展业务, optimizing prices, 扩大地理和附属市场
  2. 通过与供应商谈判降低成本, reducing inputs, managing staff, increasing overall efficiency
  3. 通过游击式营销推广业务,重点是建立市场份额, customer service, automated customer contacts, social media, etc.
  4. EXECUTION, 强调“完成任务”的重要性," leading staff, 让员工负起责任,使用工具来简化和改进执行.
  5. INNOVATION, discussing the necessity for the business i) to keep abreast of industry developments; ii) to identify and implement enhanced processes, new techniques/products, best practices, iii)转变业务以利用创新.


June 11
Instructor: Prof. Jennifer Vaziralli

商业策略基础 examines the strategies of cost leadership and differentiation, assessing the tactics and merits of each and the potential for optimizing business development in competitive environments.

June 18
Instructor: Prof. Michelle Carpenter

本模块将提供关于小企业面临的营销挑战的对话. 它将提供练习,以帮助确定目标受众和市场定位的业务.

Creating the Marketing Plan

June 18
Instructor: Prof. Michelle Carpenter

The marketing plan module will discuss the development of a comprehensive marketing plan for the business. It will integrate the topics discussed so far to help formulate an overall marketing strategy for the business.

June 25
Instructor: Prof. Michelle Carpenter

Social media offers a cost-effective way for small businesses to reach out to new customers and engage with existing customers. 本模块将教授通过社交媒体渠道进行营销的力量和复杂性, 展示如何有效地使用社交媒体工具来吸引消费者, 实现具体的商业目标.

Building Customer Loyalty

June 25
Instructor: Prof. Michelle Carpenter

没有一种客户体验模式适合所有企业. As a small business, it is important to consciously design the customer experience to fit the business' market and goals. 本模块将教授行为设计的原理, brand identity, and customer loyalty to help a small business examine and improve its customer experience design.

July 2
Instructor: Dr. Andrew Bennett

在谈判模块中,你将学习你的个人谈判风格, 了解情绪在谈判中的作用, 并获得建立谈判技巧的实际经验.

July 9
Instructor: Dr. Ryan Klinger

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to recognize, understand, and manage emotional information. In this workshop session, 我们了解到成为一个高情商的领导者的重要性, 这项技能如何影响工作成果, 以及个人如何投资发展和利用他们的情商.


July 9
Instructor: Dr. Ryan Klinger

为什么优秀的员工不能充分发挥他们的潜力? 为什么伟大的领导者——拥有伟大的想法——却不能激励他人采取行动? In this session, we examine the building blocks of human motivation to uncover reasons why efforts to motivate our workforce founder. We discuss guiding principles and specific actionable steps for creating a more motivated workforce.

July 16
Instructor: Prof. Samuel Johnson

许多人常说会计是商业语言. 在本课程中,您将了解这意味着什么. 重点是向你介绍会计的作用. 与会者将了解会计在商业决策中的重要性.

Sources of Capital & Their Pros/Cons

July 16
Instructor: Prof. Samuel Johnson

既然你有了一个商业想法,下一步就是让它实现. To do so, you need money. This course is designed to introduce you to sources of capital and the pros and cons of using those capital streams. 完成后,课程将教你如何决定什么资本方法适合你.

Financial Statement Analyses

July 16
Instructor: Prof. Samuel Johnson

我是怎么做的,我需要做什么? 这些问题经常伴随着决策, 通过财务报表分析, 你将能够解决这些问题,以便为现在和未来做计划.

July 23
Instructor: Prof. Samuel Johnson

Cash is King!!! 的确,虽然销售可能是好事,但企业真正的工具是现金流. 与会者将了解如何规划当前和未来的资金流入和流出. 本课程将介绍几种工具,使您能够预测当前和未来的现金需求.


July 23
Instructor: Prof. Samuel Johnson

做生意就是管理税收. Attendees will be introduced to tax structures and exposed to how decision-making has to include projecting, managing, and paying tax liabilities.

July 30
Instructor: Prof. Jennifer Vaziralli

Putting It All Together: Business Plan Review will be an interactive discussion of the participants' businesses, allowing everyone to summarize how they might implement the Academy's lessons followed by review and suggestions from class members.

Graduation Celebration & Ceremony

July 30


Andrew A Bennett

Andrew A. Bennett is an Assistant Professor of Management at Old Dominion University with a research focus on negotiations and employee well-being. 他教过谈判课程, communication, 八年的管理技能, 是否曾多次获得创建谈判培训材料的资助, 并领导了多家全球2000强企业的谈判培训.

《最靠谱的网赌软件》(Harvard Business Review)等媒体报道了他的工作, the BBC, and the Virginian-Pilot.

米歇尔·卡彭特是斯特罗姆商学院市场营销高级讲师. 她教学生市场营销的价值, social media, and public relations, and actively looks for opportunities to mentor students through special projects and experiential learning. Michelle serves as the Chapter Advisor of American Marketing Association (AMA) club at ODU and is the Chief Department Advisor.

Her dedication to students in the classroom is supported by more than 15 years in the industry instructing businesses and organizations across the Commonwealth. She holds an M.A. in Communications from the University of Louisiana at Monroe and an MBA with a specialization in Marketing from ODU.

Samuel Johnson

A seasoned professional with a significant level of business and professional experience who was a partner in the Richmond office of Cherry Bekaert LLP, 一家独立的注册会计师事务所, through April 30, 2021.


Dr. Ryan Klinger is an Associate Professor of Management and Director of the Annual Hampton Roads Workforce Survey and Colloquium. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from the University of Florida and has spent the last nine years at Old Dominion University's Strome College of Business.

Dr. Klinger's academic areas of expertise focus on designing workplace systems around employee personality, leadership styles, and team dynamics. 他的咨询工作坊以培训和发展员工的情商为中心, leadership, motivation, and team-building skills.

A lover of all things business, Jennifer spent the last decade as a senior executive within high-growth technology and SaaS firms across New York City, Chicago, Richmond, and Washington D.C. 在五家不同的创业公司担任首席营收官和首席运营官, she drove strategy across a range of industries from edtech and fintech to marketing and advertising services and healthcare. Jennifer's performance as a powerhouse growth executive garnered industry and regional recognition including leading her firms to the top of the Washingtonian's Fastest Growing Companies list three years in a row. Her ability to deliver results along with her cross-functional expertise across product strategy, sales, financial management, and marketing have earned her a well-deserved reputation as a go-to resource within the startup community.

Jennifer is committed to inspiring entrepreneurs and coaching the next generation of startup leaders. She now works as a startup and small business advisor and also teaches management at Old Dominion University. Jennifer是Women in Venture的董事会成员, an organization committed to closing the funding gap for women through increased women-led investments and ventures, 她希望继续为未被充分代表的创始人争取权益. 她还担任757 Angels的董事会成员, 是美国最大的天使投资集团之一吗. Jennifer earned two bachelor's degrees from Virginia Tech and her MBA from The Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania.

Andrew A Bennett

Andrew A. Bennett is an Assistant Professor of Management at Old Dominion University with a research focus on negotiations and employee well-being. 他教过谈判课程, communication, 八年的管理技能, 是否曾多次获得创建谈判培训材料的资助, 并领导了多家全球2000强企业的谈判培训.

《最靠谱的网赌软件》(Harvard Business Review)等媒体报道了他的工作, the BBC, and the Virginian-Pilot.

米歇尔·卡彭特是斯特罗姆商学院市场营销高级讲师. 她教学生市场营销的价值, social media, and public relations, and actively looks for opportunities to mentor students through special projects and experiential learning. Michelle serves as the Chapter Advisor of American Marketing Association (AMA) club at ODU and is the Chief Department Advisor.

Her dedication to students in the classroom is supported by more than 15 years in the industry instructing businesses and organizations across the Commonwealth. She holds an M.A. in Communications from the University of Louisiana at Monroe and an MBA with a specialization in Marketing from ODU.

Samuel Johnson

A seasoned professional with a significant level of business and professional experience who was a partner in the Richmond office of Cherry Bekaert LLP, 一家独立的注册会计师事务所, through April 30, 2021.


Dr. Ryan Klinger is an Associate Professor of Management and Director of the Annual Hampton Roads Workforce Survey and Colloquium. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from the University of Florida and has spent the last nine years at Old Dominion University's Strome College of Business.

Dr. Klinger's academic areas of expertise focus on designing workplace systems around employee personality, leadership styles, and team dynamics. 他的咨询工作坊以培训和发展员工的情商为中心, leadership, motivation, and team-building skills.

A lover of all things business, Jennifer spent the last decade as a senior executive within high-growth technology and SaaS firms across New York City, Chicago, Richmond, and Washington D.C. 在五家不同的创业公司担任首席营收官和首席运营官, she drove strategy across a range of industries from edtech and fintech to marketing and advertising services and healthcare. Jennifer's performance as a powerhouse growth executive garnered industry and regional recognition including leading her firms to the top of the Washingtonian's Fastest Growing Companies list three years in a row. Her ability to deliver results along with her cross-functional expertise across product strategy, sales, financial management, and marketing have earned her a well-deserved reputation as a go-to resource within the startup community.

Jennifer is committed to inspiring entrepreneurs and coaching the next generation of startup leaders. She now works as a startup and small business advisor and also teaches management at Old Dominion University. Jennifer是Women in Venture的董事会成员, an organization committed to closing the funding gap for women through increased women-led investments and ventures, 她希望继续为未被充分代表的创始人争取权益. 她还担任757 Angels的董事会成员, 是美国最大的天使投资集团之一吗. Jennifer earned two bachelor's degrees from Virginia Tech and her MBA from The Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania.

Need more information?

Contact Tarsha Turner at tturner@domestictunerz.com.


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